Thursday, November 3, 2011

Holy Crap it’s November!

How did November 1 already come and go? Also, how did a snow storm come and go? Craziness! Now that you are all nicely up to date on my past races, let me talk about my current running (or non-running) life. 

Travel season is finishing up…finally. I have about a week left of travel and this time next week my travel season will be DONE. Yay! Don’t get me wrong, travel season was fun, but having no time to run and eating crap 24/7 is not what I need in my life right now. I decided the best way for me to get back into my usual way of running life was to sign myself up for a race. I of course decided starting small would be better and have selected a Jingle Bell 5k Run! I’ve done a Jingle Bell Run before in Connecticut during college that was entertaining (if you take out the first half of it being directly up hill). So December 3 will be my entry back into the race world! 

My job is actually going to start to benefit my training schedule which I’m really excited about. Two days a week I have to stay late to call potential applicants, which means I don’t need to be at work till noon.  A perfect way for me to get two runs in a week before I go to work! This leaves me to figure out either two other runs during the week before or after work, or run on Saturday and Sunday. I more than likely will lean towards the running on Saturday and Sunday and my two late work days a week, cause really who wants to wake up early to run during the week or run after work. Long story short, this will all start next week after travel season ends and should absolutely help my intense training plan. 

Now an intense training plan is not really required for a 5k. However, it is required for a half-marathon. If you’re sensing a big announcement coming on you would be correct. I am officially running the Rock 'n Roll USA Half Marathon in DC on March 17, 2012! Yay! Lots more to come tomorrow on how this all came to be and my plans for this race.

Happy Thursday! Almost the weekend! :) 

1 comment:

  1. I totally feel your pain with it being hard to eat healthy on the road. I have finally just accepted the fact that my travel weight is 10 pounds more than my at home weight... even though I still don't like it.
