Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Race Schedule

So after all my updates yesterday, I thought I would add my race schedule up here for the summer/fall.

Here goes the craziness:
May 6: Providence UHC 1/2 Marathon
July 14: Jamestown UHC 1/2 Marathon
July 21: Chicago Muddy Buddy (more to come on this)
July 22: Rock n Roll Chicago 1/2 Marathon
August 12: Yankee Stadium 5k
August 19: Rock n Roll Providence 1/2 Marathon
September 16: Rock n Roll Philadelphia 1/2 Marathon
Oct 13: Rock n Roll 10k NY
Oct 14: Newport UHC 1/2 Marathon

It is going to be an eventful summer and fall for me! I have my training plan all set up for the first couple races and will post this weekend!

Happy Thursday Everyone!